No Student Interviews for 2021-2022 Intake Cohort. Send the Grade 7 Report Card As Soon As It Is Available.

Student Interviews:  Due to the current and changing COVID environment, DT Odyssey Mini School Program will NOT be hosting student interviews for the 2021-2022 Odyssey intake cohort.  Selections will be made based on the student’s application package.

Grade 7 Report Card Submission:  To complete the student application package, the submission of the grade 7 report in January 2021 is required.  Please submit the grade 7 report card as soon as available.  Please attach the student’s grade 7 report as a pdf file with the student’s name on it.

Notification of Acceptance:     First offers on February 24, 2021 by e-mail and second offers on March 3, 2021 by e-mail


There is no district assessment test this year.

Please register directly to your preferred mini school program(s) and to the VSB District Mini School Registry (opens November 9th to December 17th).  Click on APPLY on this website for more details.