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Three groups did NOT PICK up their lab sheets today as per instructions. You need to pick up your lab material sometime THIS WEEK ( the sooner the better). I am in /out of my room due to supervision of activities.
LAB DUE : MONDAY, FEB 5 (word processed).
Please FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY on lab handout for format /presentation of lab report. Labs will be marked according to these instructions.
MIDTERM EXAM: Date: Monday, Jan 29,18 Time: 10:30 am-12:30 pm
Midterm Exam: 44 mc and 4 written [Ch 1,2, 3(up to 3.7)]
Rxn Kinetics (16q’s), Equil’m (16q’s), Solubility (12q’s)
Outline of Exam Content: Mid Year Exam outline
Complete pre- lab assignment BEFORE you come to class on Friday
Solubility Lab starts Friday
Mole Concept Review assignment due Thursday / Friday
CH. 3 TEST: Thursday / Friday (Jan 19 /20)
Finish workbook 7.3 (ALL) – due Thursday, Jan 19
Finish Hebden 3.6 questions AND worksheet given in class on Thursday
Finish 7.1 workbook (all) AND text book. pg. 301 #11-13
MID -YEAR EXAM: FRIDAY, Jan 26 (ch. 4,5,6,7)
Finish mole concept review package (questions assigned in class)
Ch. 3 Test: Thursday / Friday (Jan 18/19)
MID-YEAR EXAM: Thursday / Friday (Jan 25 / 26)
MINIS: Chem 11 Mole Review (Ch3) . Please do the questions from this review package. You will be writing the quiz in class on Tuesday.
Equilibrium test corrections during lunch this week ONLY (starts Tuesday @ lunch)
3.5-3.6 QUIZ: Wednesday / Thursday (Jan 10 / 11)
CH 3 TEST: Thursday / Friday (Jan 18/19)
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