Just another VSB Blog Sites site
- Hebden, # 18-28 and worksheet 1.1 due Thursday
- 1.1-1.6 QUIZ: Thursday, Sept. 28
- Bohr model activity (4-1B, part 1)
- workbook, pg. 63-64
- finish worksheet given in class (and 1.3 review #11-17)
- QUIZ: Wednesday/Thursday
- Hebden questions # 1-17 (pg. 2-10)
- finish practice problems pg. 39,40,41
- 1.3 review # 2,3,4,5, 6-10
- Scientific notation and Sig fig QUIZ: Wed / Thurs, Sept 27,28
- finish workbook pg. 60-61
- QUIZ on p,n,e and bohr models for atoms /ions: Monday, Sept 25
- Safety test: Tuesday, Sept. 19
- bring work book fees
- Chem 11 Review Test: Monday, Sept. 18 ( no atomic theory, bond forces)
- bring workbook fees
- finish practice problems and 1.2 review #5-8
- SAFETY TEST (with equipment): Blk 1-3: Monday, Sept 18 & Blk 2-1 Tuesday, Sept 19
- bring workbook fees