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Block 2-2 and 2-4 : workbook, pg 68-70
Block 1-3: worksheet given in class (workbook 4.2 should be finished)
4.1 quiz : 1-3: Monday, Oct 3 and 2-2.2-4 : Tuesday, Oct. 4
Hebden # 29-39
minis : 1.1-1.3 quiz on Monday and notes you missed are posted on the course page
anyone who has to take the safety quiz again: has to come TOMORROW (Sept. 29), at lunch.
practice problems pg. 52,54
1.4 Review # 4,5,7-11, 14,17
safety re-quiz: TOMORROW (Thursday, Sept. 29) @ lunch.
Hebden # 1-17 (pg. 1-10)
Homework quiz : Hebden 1.1-1.3: Tuesday, Sept. 27
finish 1.3 review #11-17 ( #1-10 should be done already)
Sig Fig quiz: Wednesday, Sept28
anyone who needs to write safety quiz again: Thursday, Sept 29 at LUNCH
Finish workbook 4.1 pg. 62-64
periodic table assignment due : blk 1-3: Tuesday and blk 2-2,2-4 : Wednesday
Chem 11 review test: Wednesday, Sept 21
Format: 25-30 multiple choice and 5-6 written questions: topics include:
safety, sig figs, nature of matter(classifying, separating, writing formulas), mole calculations, stoichiometry and measuring chemical change (writing and classifying equations and energy changes), and solution chemistry.
NO quantum mechanics, atomic theory or organic chem on review test
finish quick check pg.35,37,41 and practice problems pg. 39,41 if not done in class
scientific notation quiz: Thursday, Sept 22
can start 1.3 review: # 2,3 5,6,8-10
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