Virus, Bacteria, Fungus

Part A – For viruses, bacteria and fungus write the definition steal a picture what size are they? How does it infect you? give 2 examples of each – include a link, deadlines…etc… Part B – The Wonderful World of…

Starting Corona on your own – Tutorials

Please follow this tutorial today:–mobile-21457 –call me over to view your work– You finished early? Here is a look at the next step… Ray Wenderlich tutorials (the game breakout)

I Hate Getting Sick

Today I was walking to class and someone SNEEZED in my face. I know I’m going to get sick. They have a cold. This is what happens from time zero: <students write on your blog – don’t look it up…

Corona Tutorials

There are a couple of ways to learn Lua – Corona for app design. I recommend browsing and trying out some tutorials then starting straight in to the app you are going to make. Consider how it is going to…

Thursday Nov 20th – Away

Sorry, gang. Not feeling great. career strategies 12 (303) – I have most of your shared docs and have already assessed your folders. I’ll reply to your “plans” in the next day or two. Continue with your projects.  …

Javascript Evaluation

Regardless of the level you came to the class with, you should be able to do a few things. Start on task 1 and continue until your brain explodes. Each task builds on the previous. Open computer, not open friends.…