Sc8 – The microscope

Measuring things small: The Compound Microscope Microscope – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Memorize the parts WE looked at many things! Salt, hair, paper. You need to know how to focus on by yourself. There is a lab exam in January.…

scratch game

make a game! You have some background in playing games so you may choose to make a game you know or perhaps you have an idea for a new game? Sketch the game and your ideas. Include players, levels and…

Finish Gummy Bears – sc8 lab

So, what happenned? Did the gummy bear shrink? grow? change colour? Make your observations and attempt to explain what is the science principle. Here is another gummy bear demo if we have time… Homework:: finish reading ch 1-1, p…

Sc8 Gummy Bears Osmosis

Sc8 Regular and iPad – Gummy Bear Experiment – Osmosis We did the setup with water and salt water. Make predictions as to what you think will happen! Next class, we will find out! Homework – create the three (3)…

ICTX 11-12 day one

Scratch | Home | imagine, program, share A sample of what we are going to do this year: scratch and gamemaker visual programming programming for the web – PHP java programming (this will lead you into iOS and Android apps)…