Gr9 Electives Tour

Gr9 students can ONLY apply for Multimedia 10. (Sound, graphics, video) [Keller, Francom, Su, Chan] Kitty Say What? httpv:// The TV Show httpv:// But in gr 11 and 12 options are music composition, games programming, web design, yearbook, media arts, digital…

Career Prep Presentation 2013

Career Prep Presentation 2013 Career Tipster Resume Writing :: Career Exploration :: Job Interview :: Working! Job Interview httpv:// Dirty Jobs httpv:// Career Prep is a 4 credit course (the same as other full year courses) spread over 2 years…

sc8 – ch 6 – eyes

Review plant and animal cells. watch Ted talk on Prosthetic eyes hwk=choose 4 animals to compare to humans with respect to eyes. make a chart with eye position, eye size, can they see colour, resolution (how good or how far…

ICTX Java Programming

So that was your first taste of Java. Not too hard I hope. Most of you were successful right away. Remember, copy the Greenfoot files from Data drive to your local computer and remember to save your scenarios to your…