C is the base for the programming language Objective-C which is used in the Cocoa Framework to write apps for Mac and iOS Download it :: cprogramming_tutorial :: c_quick_guide History of C …and you can test out some codes online by going to…
States of Matter
homework :: memorize the S-L-G diagram (include plasma!) this is from ch7-1 in the text. product :: what states of matter are used in your product manufacturing? Does your machine use pneumatic or hydraulic systems? How?
How stuff works and how it is made
We are moving on to the study of energy and forces. Pick something that interests you. Maybe it is a running shoe, candy, water bottles, coke cans…? Find out how it is made and how it works. how stuff is…
iOS for High School Students
What a great beginner tutorial site! Start here! http://www.raywenderlich.com/5600/ios-for-high-school-students-getting-started
ICTX 11-12 Course Promo
ICTX 11-12 Course Promo Do the inner workings of software interest you? Do you have a great attention to detail? Does staring at a computer screen for a career sound like how you want to spend your day? Then ICTX…
iPad Basics for Parents
iPad Basics httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AGVTp7eCWBo Gestures Notability Apps Camera/Video Settings Parental Control :: Family Technology Management Questions