Build a Corona Game

Soccer Keep Up – Easier–mobile-20227 Helicopter – Harder–mobile-21216 Choose one or Create your own! Due before March Break. Here is a couple of more ideas–mobile-20638

DiSc9 – Sexual Reproduction

Start here: Then check out the stages of development: Then think about the future: Questions for your blog: Give 2 main ideas about each trimester. When do you consider the baby to be alive? Why? List 10…

DiSc9 – Asexual Reproduction

1. List 10 things that have “recombined”. For example (i) Liger (ii) apple-pear… 2. In Meiosis, the DNA strands duplicates, crosses over and independently assorts. Be able to draw and describe this action. 3. Methods of asexual reproduction include cloning,…

DiSc8 – Eyes – Day2

Sorry, I am in a meeting about the “Science of Happiness” and the upcoming Dalai Lama visit. First today. Parts of the eye and their functions. Look at it, memorize it. Quiz later. Second. Make a chart that has these…

DiSc9 – Tuesday Feb 4th

Sorry, I am away on a fieldtrip to Demonware so you have to wait for feedback on the midterms. Please go to Ms.Laumen’s room. Don’t talk to her, don’t disturb her, don’t even look at her. She is doing me…