Category: sc8


End of term and making body parts

Check out Moodle for the official line on your term one marks. While you are there, why not do one of the quizzes you forgot? It still counts!   hwk today is to watch the TED talk about replacing body…

Sc8 Viruses

Hwk is ch3.1 in BC Science 8 How do Viruses attack your body? How does your body defend itself? What does your body do when the virus gets inside?

FilmFest Next Wed

Don’t forget to sing up for the movie you want! Avoid disappointment! tickets @ reel canada

MidYear Project

So, you submitted your proposal (question) about what you want to answer. It was hard to create an interesting question. I know. But the more you question, the more interesting finding the answer becomes. You will get better at questioning!…

ICTx 11-12

You have made a file (html) that contains a form. It looks good and it collects some information. For sure a name and an age. To enable the connection or interpreting of the data, you need to place your files…

Business Ed 8 Final Project

Make a 1 minute (or less) movie teaching something. We looked at YouTube to get an idea about screen capture and other video learning like KhanAcademy. S:/ Data >> Handout >> Spence Handout >> Camtasia  [this does screen capture with…

Sc8 – ch1 test makeup

We wrote the ch1 test a few weeks ago, and after marking, today we will do corrections and I will model how to get an “A” on the next test.