What a great beginner tutorial site! Start here! http://www.raywenderlich.com/5600/ios-for-high-school-students-getting-started
Category: ict
Developing for iOS and Android
So, there are many ways, some free and some for pay. Ultimately, you do have to pay to be a certified developer and to post your apps for sale on the appstores. There is a product called “greenfoot” to get…
Photogallery in php
Here is a link to a photogallery in php. It contains code for mac and our server so you can just unzip and place all into a folder on your public_html called photo. Then we can look at some…
ICTX 11-12 – Online
Create an online (php) photogallery. Browse online to get the code, download, upload it to your ftp space. You will need a folder of pictures. Get some. Your code will need to be modified to do the following things: create…
ICTx End of Term
I am putting your marks into Moodle – login I expect that on your blog you have 2 different finished products – the scratch game and the gamemaker game. This means, 3 assignments for term 1.
Intro to Web Programming
So here we go! Coding! This is what programmers do. You have started the course in an easy way: Scratch and Gamemaker. These programs help you to learn several ideas around programming like the results of changing settings and how…
Learn to program Android Apps
http://www.xda-developers.com/android/want-to-learn-how-to-program-for-android-start-here/ http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/write-google-android-application/ http://www.anddev.org/ [here are some tutorials – basic and advanced] http://developer.android.com/index.html http://developer.android.com/training/basics/firstapp/index.html I have been waiting for 3 years to have a class smart enough to tackle this. I want to write iPad and Android apps. We are going to…
ICTX Gamemaker
So, your Scratch game should be uploaded to the Scratch website and linked through your Blog. Here is the class Blog Page So you can see each other’s finished work. Download and install Gamemaker 8.1 The help files are blocked…
scratch game
make a game! You have some background in playing games so you may choose to make a game you know or perhaps you have an idea for a new game? Sketch the game and your ideas. Include players, levels and…
ICTX 11-12 day one
Scratch | Home | imagine, program, share A sample of what we are going to do this year: scratch and gamemaker visual programming programming for the web – PHP java programming (this will lead you into iOS and Android apps)…