Tuesday Nov.5

Di-sc9 :: A little light experimenting. How do we make a lightbulb? You were supposed to check it out at home. What do you need? AC or DC? Battery or straight from the wall? Does this affect the material choice? Research Edison!

Finish ch8 book work.

Any simulations on PHET that could help you?

Moodle? Are you caught up?


IDS11 :: Please make sure your ideas are on your blog. Go to 5 other blogs, read what they are up to and leave intelligent, appropriate comments. It is almost end of term. I am looking at your blog for what you write, and for what you comment to others.


ICTX11-12 :: I am hoping Anthony will teach you a better way to add bones to a mesh. It was so easy and beautiful the way he grows a mesh from a single point and modifies it into a whole rigged figure. Check out pose mode to record the motions. I love Blender