BE8 DAY one

Welcome to Applied Skills, Business Ed rotation. We will be learning all about computers, networking, and basic functions required to succeed at JO as well as in the business world.

  1. Log into the computer. Username is student number. This can get you into the network at any computer or wireless device in the building.
  2. Go to the school website and upper right, click on ‘APPS’. We are a google school. is actually a google domain. Your ID is first initial, lastname and two digits of grad year: ( and your password is student number homeroom (76654308G). This gives you access to your youtube account, blogger, google docs and email.
  3. Go to Blogger and login. ( user!) Create a blog for this class. This is a notebook and a place where you will save all your assignments. Add gadgets. Change the theme.
  4. First Post :: movie review of the FilmFest with a pic or Trailer embedded.