I am away with mini school for the week!
3 days of GIMP (photoshop open source on all VSB computers)
Please check that you have GIMP installed on your computer, if not, install! (or move to a different computer)
Lots of help on youtube and also at gimp.org
Day 1 –
- Copy a picture of a penguin from Google Images into GIMP
- Save as a jpeg into your h:/
- explore all the options in the menus under filters-distorts — especially, lighting effects :: iwarp :: emboss …
- explore the tool box – selection, erase, move (hover over and read)
- http://www.gimp.org/tutorials/GIMP_Quickies/
- save 3 cool pics and combine into one picture – then post onto your blog
Day 2 –
- recap of some of the tools from day 1
- crop,
- rotate,
- resize
- put together 2 pics – ie. add a head to an animal body. Size it proportionally
- export as a jpg and post to your blog
Day 3 –
- Look on the wall. See the fake tickets? Make one.
- export as a jpg and post to your blog
- print and put it up on the wall