Final Exam Video – Sc8 and Sc9

Your Final Exam mark is two parts: your video and the written exam. Both are 10% of the year!

Here is the overall idea of what the science teachers expect and an example! Comment with your questions and we’ll be fast to reply!

Part 1 (25%) Your Question/Hypothesis
After doing a bit of reading, you have a burning question in science. Ask it!

Part 2 (25%) Checkpoints
Through the process your teacher will ask for evidence of progress. It may be a forum posting, it may be a paper handin. It may just be verbal.

Final (50%) Video
Here is an example: Youtube (public) video

**disclaimer: don’t do this at home. The microwave caught fire.**

I had a hard time limiting it to 1:00 min but it was just possible. I had to cut the video time and just show the important parts. Use titles, video, still pictures and voice over to cover all the aspects of the project

I would give this video a ‘B’. It is interesting and dramatic. It answers the question. The procedure and materials are obvious. Observations are clear – the video! There are some conclusions but I should have done more! I did not speak about future uses or any extension to this project.

Evaluation Rubric
Question is obvious
Materials List