Absent for SERT Training

So, I am away being recertified to rescue you in the event of a catastrophe like an earthquake. Fun.

First class – Business Ed 8 – Here is the assignment: based on last class where we spent the time exploring Google Maps and Google Earth, create a post on your blog that has a map and ten pictures. You may choose to map a canucks roadtrip, or perhaps a family vacation, or your favorite band on tour… Create the Google map and printscreen, post to your blog. Then, at each location, research a fun thing to do, write a sentence about it and include a picture. Bonus if YOU are in the picture! [hint: use GIMP]

Make sense? One map, 10 pics, 10 sentences. Go!

2nd period :: ICTX 11-12, usually we go to room 208 to make iphone apps on the macs and ipads but today, collect them from out front of 208 and return to 303 for a single day of making an icon for an app. They know where to look it up and how to figure things out.  They will post their iphone app icon to their blog.

after lunch – 3rd period :: continue making “fake” tickets in GIMP or photoshop

4th period :: same as 1st.


Have a fun day!