
January 2025

SS9 Investigating Homelessness Mini Project

Homelessness Project: Groups of 3-4 people

Theme: Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Focus Question:

Is our city doing an adequate job of providing this fundamental human right of all its citizens ?

Due Date: Thursday Oct 27

Criteria to follow…..

SS 9 French Revolution Test outline

Breakdown of test:

Term like: Tennis Court Oath, Estates General, Bastille, Aristocrats, Marat, Robespierre, National Assembly, Bourgeoisie, John Locke…. = 10 marks

True / False = 11 questions

Multiple Choice = 29 questions

Some areas/sections that should be reread:

National Convention, Declaration Rights of Man and Citizen, economic problems, Law of Suspects, Robespierre, Danton, Directory, […]

SS9 Ch3 Test French Rev.

Test on Ch. 3 French Revolution

Date: Monday Oct 3

SS9 Hwk Readings

Please read pgs 80-85 ….. Follow one of the templates, make your notes short and precise with keywords….

Due Date: Sept 27 for Homework Check = 30 marks!!

SS 9 Hmk map/chart

Please complete map of France pg 58, and complete Activity sheet 3-3 comparison organizer of

Louis XIV, Marie Antoinette, Louis XVI……

Due Wednesday, Sept. 21

SS 9 Hmwk read pg. 68-70

Please read pgs. 68-70 and create notes with a main idea and supporting details for each section…..

Due Monday Sept. 19

SS 9 – Homework Due Sept 15

Please complete webs for Louis XIV and Louis XVI and Maria Antoinette pg 64-67 …….

Homework check Thursday Sept 15

New Post Date

Please ignore date for post @ sept 12 @ 12:00am

New Date is: Sept 12 @ 11:00 pm for each class

Regions of France

Please ensure you proof read your writing before posting. Please provide a summary of each of the following:

Peasants life in the 17th century. Describe city life in Paris in the 17th century. Discuss the importance and challenges the Bourgeoisie faced.

Use your own words in 3-5 sentences….please create 3 sections (paragraphs) — one post […]

Supplies for the year

Please make sure you have made your visit to the $ store to invest into:

highlighters pencil crayons coloured pens ruler eraser sharpie / fine liner (some graph paper)