Please discuss what you have you learned about Victorian attitudes and values.
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please post by Sept 12 @ 12:00 am
Victorian Attitudes and ValuesPlease discuss what you have you learned about Victorian attitudes and values. You must include 3 – 5 points minimal….. please check your work before posting! please post by Sept 12 @ 12:00 am 8 comments to Victorian Attitudes and ValuesLeave a Reply |
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I have learned the following regarding Victorian attitudes and values; Firstly, Queen Victoria’s tastes, values, and behaviour were the standard in those days. In other words, Queen Victoria was the role model of the period and many looked up to her. Many even adopted the tone and values of the period, such as America. With respect to values, people tended to place a high value on personal modesty and on “gravity.” Victorian ideals complemented their beliefs about morals, hard work, success in business, and power. Due to the fact that most of the Victorians were Christians churches were also valued and most of the functions and events took place within the churches, such as weddings and funerals. Furthermore, Victorian values also consisted of a strict moral code and an obsession with social status. Moreover, clothing was an indication of your social status as well as Victorian values; therefore, people mostly dressed formally including the labourers. Many were also very cautious when it came to exposing themselves to the sun. Being dark skinned and/or tanned meant that you spent your days working, which was a sign of the lower class. In terms of attitude, Victorians assumed that they were superior to all others and that being born British was “to win the lottery of life.” They rarely doubted themselves, especially regarding their values and beliefs. Middle-class Victorians were very prudish and believed that people could easily be drawn away from proper behaviour. Not only this, but middle-class Victorians were very materialistic, which in turn displayed their status and wealth amongst others. Victorians were most outspoken about their wealth, which could be seen by the overly done house furnishings and the decoratively cluttered rooms.
-modesty and hard work were highly valued
-serious and modest attitudes
-appearance said a lot about occupation and wealth
-person success and wealth were highly valued
-the more things/clutter you had in your house, the more wealthy you looked
-social status and class was based on family background
-clothes indicated social status
-queen victoria’s tastes, values, etc, set the standards for everyone
There’s no such thing as Canada,Upper and Lower Canada had just finished there rebellions when Queen Victoria was named Queen.
Queen Victoria’s values were hard work,personal success,duty,seriousness,modesty,stressed morals, her taste and values set standards for the whole British people.
Canadians had three classes first the lower class, then the middle class, after that was the upper class, based on your family background, and what your family worked, etc.
I have learned that:
-Victorians were obsessed with social statuses
-Victorians also were very sure about their values and beliefs and believed there was nothing wrong with them
-They also had a strict moral code
-They were also distinctly Christian
-victorian valuesincluded a strict moral code and obsession with social status
-victorian ideals complemented their own beliefs about morals, hard work, succes in buisnes and power (they very sure of themeselves and few doubts about their beliefs)
-middle class victorians were very materialistic they liked nice things , spent freely on clothes, homes and furnishings
I’ve learnt a lot of things about Victorian Attitudes and Values. One thing that suprised me was that the queen was a model for the age. It’s sad to read about how she only wore mourning clothes for the rest of her life when her husband died. But the Victorian era was very optimistic when the British Empire grew larger and stronger it was practically impossible to challenge. What made people want to build strong relationships with one another were events like weddings and funerals that took place in the churches property.
The people who lived during the reign of Queen Victoria and the Empire were know as “Victorians”
· Victorians complimeneted their own beliefs about moral success in business and power
· they were sure of themselves and had a few doubts about their values and beiefs
· they had victorian “attitudes
· they were distinctly Christian
· they placed a high value on personal modesty
· their values included strict moral code and an obesseion with the social status.