Tag Archives: Teacher Win

Truth for Teachers – The Swiss Cheese Model

Three posts in a row!

You may be familiar with Angela Watson’s work on her “Truth for Teachers” blog and podcast. It’s been a while since I’d checked in and I’m glad I did cause I found this.

The Swiss Cheese Model: Letting Go of “All or Nothing” Thinking (September 4, 2022)

The simple explanation of the model goes something like this: there is not one strategy that will solve a complex issue in a classroom or school. These complex issues needs to be addressed through a multifaceted approach because there is no one strategy-fits-all. We use the metaphor of a slice of swiss cheese being a single strategy. The strategy will work for some students but the holes represent how some students will slip through the hole and continue to struggle. So, we layer another slice of cheese (another strategy) which will cover some of those holes and help some of the remaining students find success. You can add a third slice and you get the idea – layers of strategies & supports to tackle complex issues.

I like this analogy as it lines up well with my messaging with school teams – it’s going to take a team approach with different strategies in action to move the student towards learning (which is what we do – develop & strengthen a student’s skill set).

The article does a much better job of explaining than I did. Give it a read and, as always, tell me how you applied it by posting a comment or two.

Playing Cards for Cooperative Learning

(*Note – This is my 3rd attempt at this post)

Hey hey hey! It’s been a while.

Have I mentioned lately how much I enjoy Edutopia? Cause I do.

Here’s an article on creative ways to incorporate playing cards into your teaching practices in the classroom. There are some gems in there. If you try one out, let me know how it goes in the comments.

Book Displays

Hi all,

So it’s been a while… I’m hoping to do more regular updating of the blog over the next few months… HOPE being the key word.

I enjoy reading and I find books are one of the easiest entry points in getting students to engage in literacies. Even still, a teacher may need to throw in some razzle dazzle for our more reluctant students.

Am I dating myself by saying razzle dazzle? Rhetorical question. Haha.

Here are some ideas around displays that could help build some excitement for reading / books. Even the least Pinterest-y of us could pull off a couple of these. If you do give it a try, I’d love to hear from you about your experience.

Tournament of Books (The Primary Punchbowl)

Airport (Library Displays)

First Line (Book Bub)

Teacher Win – Pokemon Cards for Visual Schedules

One of my children found this on their travels on the information super highway (for those of you who remember that name).

Unbeknownst to me, a student created a Pokemon card about himself and our class. I remember introducing my class to the Pokemon card generator online but never seeing this card. It was such a nice find.

This reminded me of one of the big successes I was part of this year. On a referral I was part, the school team and I were working on a visual system for a student. Off hand, I suggested creating a Pokemon-card visual system.  Simply put, the visual system would be used as a shape-of-the-day agenda co-decided between the student and the educators. To make the materials more subtle and engaging (student was intermediate and didn’t want his peers to see him using a visual), I mentioned using a Pokemon card generator.

The card would represent subjects (Ex. Social Studies, P.E.), items (Ex. binder, writing materials), and preferred activities / choices (Ex. iPad, sensory room). The cards would be put in card sleeves; the kind used for hockey cards. The pages would be kept in a binder; this would make it blend in with the school materials. As a school team, the educators decided how to set the pages to make it functional as a schedule.

I sent the link and didn’t think much more of it. A few weeks later I followed up about the student’s progress and, to my surprise, the teacher sent this:

I was speechless from amazement. The feedback from the educators was that the student was enthusiastic to use it. It was inevitable that his peers saw the binder of Pokemon cards and a lot of interest resulted about it once word got around. Eventually, he felt comfortable sharing it and it ended up being something that served as a shared interest between the student and his peers for positive interactions and friendship building opportunities.

It was so encouraging to be part of that process; seeing an idea I mentioned come to life and getting to work with educators who are so talented and motivated to support this student.

The link for the card generator I suggested is here: https://www.pokecard.net/

It’s free! Can’t go wrong with that.

Note: It also does “Magic: The Gathering” cards and “Yu-Gi-Oh” cards. Links are at the bottom of Pokecard website.

The cards can be personalized in many ways but not completely. Once you generate the card:

  1. Right-click on the card image and choose “Open Image in New Tab” from the menu.
  2. In the tab, right-click on the image and choose “Save image as.” Choose a name and directory for the image and save.

There are other generators online if this one doesn’t fit your needs. There are also other themed-card generators too (though some require payment).

This system is very time-heavy to set-up but I believe you’ll get the return from student engagement. I’m looking forward to trying this with other educators in the upcoming school year.