BLK 1-1: FINISH Hebden 1.8 questions AND at least half of 1.6-1.8 Review wksht
BLK 2-1: 1.6-1.8 wksht should be COMPLETE AND Unit 1 Package # 1,4,5-20
MINIS: You are resposible for work missed (Hebden 1.7 & 1.8). Notes and wksht are on the course page. You will be writing the quiz that you missed Mon during class.
BLK 1-3: Finish Sig Fig wksht (one side) AND prctice probs pg. 47, 48, 50
BLK 2-2: Finish practice probs pg 47, 48, 50 AND 1.4 Review 3 # 3-5, 7
BOTH BLOCKS: Sig Fig Quiz: (1-3) Mon, Sept 30 and (2-2) Tues, Oct 1
Scientific Notation re-quiz: Monday after schiool
MINIS: You are responsible for making up the work you missed. Check the course page for notes and complete any missed hw. You will be writing sig fig quiz with your class. If you don’t have class on Monday, come AFTERSCHOOL to write scientific notation quiz that was missed