Just another VSB Blog Sites site
- Finish 4.2 Review (ALL)
- BLK 1-3: Don’t forget to come Thursday (break, lunch, or right after school) to pick up the worksheets due Friday
- 4.2 Quiz: next week, Tuesday, Wednesday
- 8.1 QUIZ: Thursday, Feb 15
4.2 Review pg.184-185 #1-3, 4 a – f
- Blk 2-1: 4.1 Quiz: Tuesday, Feb 13
- Finish workbook 8.1 (pg. 150-153)
- 8.1 QUIZ: Thursday, Feb15
- SOLUBILITY QUIZ #2: (3.5-3.10) FRIDAY, FEB 9 (20-22 mc)
- 4.1 QUIZ (writing and balancing equations): Friday / Tuesday (Feb 9/13)
- Finish equations worksheet
- Finish workbook pg. 147-149
- In class assignment on Thursday, Feb 8
- Solubility Lab Final due date: Wednesday, Feb 7
- Finish Hebden, 3.8 questions # 70-72 AND worksheet 3.8 handed out in class today (due Wednesday)
- 4.1 Review # 1-5 due Wednesday / Thursday
- Test corrections: Tues, Thurs, Fri @ lunch