Just another VSB Blog Sites site
- finish Hebden 2.7 questions and worksheet
- 2-2: many of you did not come in Friday to get the worksheet
- Equilibrium Lab on Monday – READ THE LAB posted under course .
- 2.3 quiz tomorrow (Thursday)
- you will finish chromatography lab on Thursday
- finish 5.2 workbook
- LAB WRITE – UP DUE TUESDAY ( TYPED up, follow lab format on sheet, make sure questions answered in complete sentences)
- Hebden pg. 56 # 28, 30
- worksheet given in class
- review 2.4 concepts / questions
- 2.4 review #1-10 (OMIT # 8 )
- make sure PRE – LAB is done Monday (can’t do lab if pre-lab not done)
- READ THROUGH PRE- LAB READING posted under course (BEFORE CLASS on Monday)
- finish worksheet (first side) given in class today
- 5.1 QUIZ: FRIDAY, Nov. 6
- students absent for lab: Gagan and Minat – come see me Thursday, after school
- finish worksheet given in class
- 2.4 Homework quiz tomorrow (Thursday)
- test corrections will start next week: Monday, Tuesday (lunch time) and Thursday after school.(ONLY 3 DAYS ).