Check in Letter

Dear JO students, parents & guardians,

I hope this finds everyone as well as can be under these unexpected circumstances.  There is no doubt that we are all witnessing historic events unfold before us, so the number one priority is the health and well-being of you and those around you.

This time is stressful for so many people. To our healthcare workers, our police, firefighters and paramedics, our food service workers, and the many other essential service workers – we are so grateful for you/them. During times of stress, it is hard for anyone to focus on learning, but we will do our best.

Our Physical and Health Education Department has been working towards providing a plan to support the learning needs of our students. It is our hope that students can remain active during these evolving times as we know that physical activity is often very helpful in reducing feelings of anxiety and stress. 

Our current plan is to provide learning opportunities for all grade levels focused on physical activities as well as health-related activities. These activities, tasks and assignments will be sent out through Microsoft Teams virtual classroom. Students will submit assignments (such as fitness logs, journals and/or reflections) digitally for teachers to review. Suggested activities will be provided, keeping the need for safety and physical distancing remaining at the forefront. 

While we do not have all the answers today, we will continue to work to create a plan that supports your needs and ensures continuity of learning.  We remain committed to supporting learning in a way that leads to further completion of the school year and that supports advancement to the next school year and/or graduation.

If you have challenges with time or technology we encourage you to contact us directly (through email or private chat on Teams) so that we may work together on solutions that work for you & your family.

I’ll be sending another check-in email soon focusing on using Microsoft Teams for our classes. Until then, please click on the above pages tab on this blog for more information on accessing this App. You can also click on a variety of on-line health related resources which may be useful to you or someone you know at this time.

Thank you for your patience and remember to stay safe and take care of yourself and your families.


Ms. Matheson (and the JO Physical & Health Education Department)


Term 1 Fitness Assessment & Assignments

Grade 8s & 9s, if you were absent for or have not completed your Term 1 Indoor Fitness Assessment & Beep Test (pacer run), please see Ms. Matheson for a make-up date. Deadline to complete this is Friday November 29th.

Your SMART goals fitness assignment was handed out this week. SMART goals are due: Tuesday December 3rd. If you did not get one or lost it, please click here for a copy:


Smart Goals Rubric – Term 1

The Perceived Rate of Exertion Home Activity is due the same day. Here is that assignment (and a copy of the Benefits of Physical Activity Poster we used earlier in the term. You can use this poster to help you brainstorm):

Rate Perceived Exertion Home Activity

Welcome back!

Hello students and parents/guardians! Welcome & welcome back to JO!

This year, I am excited to be teaching Physical & Health Education 8 and Physical & Health Education 9. Please check this blog often for up to date info on units and class work. I will only be working on Day 1’s. If you need to reach me outside of classroom hours, I can be found in the South Gym (my office is just past the gym) or please see the “contact me” page above on this blog for further details.

2019/2020 Course Outlines can be found in the pages above. Please click on the tab for your class or here:  JOPE 8-10 Course-Outlines2019

Locks: Please remember to LOCK UP all items in the change room lockers. Theft does occur. You can buy locks from your PHE teacher for $10. This is one of the best investments you will make at JO! You cannot bring your backpacks to class because we are often changing facilities and your teacher is not responsible for items left unattended.

Phones: Phones are not allowed in the PHE classroom. You must leave them in your school locker or lock them up in the change room locker room.

JOPE Clothing:  The PE Department will be taking orders for JOPE clothing (gym strip) this week. Please click on the link for the order form (which includes clothing options & prices).

Navy JOPE T-shirt   $15 

Navy JOPE Shorts    $15 

Navy JOPE long sleeve T-shirt   $20 


All orders and payments (cash or cheque) must be in to your teacher by Friday, September 13th. If you paid your homeroom teacher, please bring your receipt to me (your PHE teacher) and I can submit your item and size request. If you paid on-line, also let me know this and we can get you sized.  If you have any questions, please see your individual PHE teacher.

Term 3 Smart Goals & Fitness assessment

Grade 8’s and 9’s, your Term 3 mini assignment is due June 3rd.

If you did not get one in class or forgot yours, here it is: Smart Goals term 3

Fitness Assessment is next week, June 3 and 5. We will do the 4 lap (8s) and 5 lap (9s) Monday and the indoor fitness Wednesday. Any missed class will be made up Friday or the following week. Bring water and a hat when we are outside.

Fitness Assessment Week – Term 2

Grade 8s and 9’s, your Term 2 indoor fitness assessment will go Tuesday, Feb. 26th in class. If you miss for any reason, you must make it up Thursday, Feb 28th.

You will also be given a Term 2 SMART goals follow up assignment which is due Thursday, Feb 28th.  If you do not receive or lose the paper copy assignment, I’ll post it here on this blog by Tuesday.