Featured Stories

Six months in the life of J. A. Harper, Principal – Lord Selkirk Elementary, as revealed by the documents he issued and received during that time.

March 22, 2023

Featured Photo: Students at Lord Selkirk learn telephone courtesy thanks to phones on long-time loan from BC Tel.   From January to June, 1966, Principal J.A. Harper retained all documents that passed his desk. At some point much later, this collection was sent to the Vancouver School Board District Archives for safekeeping. Below is a list [...]

Urban High School Entrance Examinations – 1911

June 26, 2022

The following Feature Story offers a fascinating look at the challenging ‘entrance exams’ facing Vancouver students in 1911 who wanted to proceed onto the final years of High School, in those days, King Edward High School. The examinations also reveal the importance given to Canada’s connections with Great [...]

David Lloyd George Elementary Celebrates Its 100th Anniversary (June 2022)

June 17, 2022

      As part of David Lloyd George School’s centennial celebrations, students and teachers worked together to create displays on a variety of topics including:  School Ground History A History of the Rooms in the Building Punishments throughout the Ages Hairstyles throughout the Decades Fashion throughout the Decades The [...]

The King George Secondary School Archives – a Model for Other Schools

April 25, 2022

  The Genesis of the King George Secondary School Archives As reported by Jesse Coomes & Jim Bradbury Photos by Derek Grant   When King George Secondary School was about to turn 100 we started looking for memorabilia to celebrate this event. This meant digging out boxes of stuff from storage rooms, basements, old closets and asking [...]

King Edward High School – Signatures on a School Annual (1931 – 32)

March 14, 2022

The signing of high school yearbooks at the end of the school year has long been a tradition. For former students, the signatures will bring back memories well into the future. For the rest of us, the signatures will give hints of the personalities of those who signed. The signatures seen below were written on a copy of the King Edward School [...]


October 4, 2021

 The Vancouver High School Cadet Corp marches down Georgia Street, Vancouver (1912). One of the most remarkable events in the history of the Vancouver School District involved the Vancouver High School Cadets Corp, which was created in November 1903. In 1911, the Commanding Officer of a contingent of visiting cadets from Australia invited the [...]

OAKRIDGE SCHOOL, 1951 – 1976

September 19, 2021

This history was written in 1968 by Lloyd Hamel, a teacher at Oakridge School. It includes an appendix that brings Mr. Harmel’s history of the school up to date. The photography was done by Marjean Gibson, Audio Visual Services, Vancouver School Board. The history of Oakridge School could be looked upon as a history of how a community met a [...]
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