1-1 S.S 8: Today we are doing a jigsaw activity to learn more about the powerful thinking and rulers who lived during the Renaissance. I will be handing out a note package that needs to be completely filled in. Most you who finished it in class, but if you did not than briefly finish your notes at home as we will be writing an entrance slip next day and you can use those notes!
1-3 ELL Reading: I will be giving instructions for a current events article assignment. You will have to find a current events article online, print it out, and read it to the class on Tuesday November 14th. I will attach the instruction sheet below in case you lose yours. Then, we will be talking about Remembrance Day and why we celebrate it. After that, we will continue working on activities from our English, Yes! book. Once you are finished your activities you can look online for your current events article.
- Vocabulary
- Pg. 34 #1-10
- Pg. 35 – Exercise A
- Pg. 36 – Exercise B (New today)
- Pg. 37 – Exercise C (New today)
- Find your current events article, print it out, and bring it on Tuesday!
Current events article assignment: ELL Reading Current Events
1-4 ELL S.S: We will be working in the library again today on our historical perspective taking project. You must hand in your rough copy of your letter and your diary/journal entry to me at the end of class on November 14th. I am going to edit your work and give you some suggestions for improvement – then I will hand it back to you at the beginning of class on November 16th. You will have that class to create your good copies! Remember, the project is due on November 20th!
Marking rubric: Fur Trader Project Rubric
Project instructions: HIstorical Perspective Taking Project
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