Remembrance Day

Division 12 is reflecting on the meaning of peace and the important role each and every boy and girl and adult plays in making the world a peaceful and kind world.  please take a moment this Remembrance Day to reflect on the many sacrifices our brave veterans made to bring us peace and our roles in keeping that peace. Lest we forget…


Outdoor Education – Nature Mandalas

Division 12 spent a wonderful morning outdoors exploring the Fall seals and creating Fall Nature Mandalas.  A Mandala is a religious symbol that represents the “universe” typically found in Indian religions.  There are many examples of these beautiful works of art.  We used natural materials found in our park to create our own art mandalas. Notice the patterns and variety of materials wge chose.







Garden Workshop

Division 12  did our first workshop  with our Classroom Gardener gardener Jenna.  We learned how to “put the garden to sleep” by covering them warmly with leaves.  Our beds are ready for winter!

The next day, we spent time observing our garden and making nature observations.  In the classroom and in the garden, we are learning a First Nation’s People’s principle of learning: “Learning takes time and patience”.   We tried to really take our time to observe nature and record it down in our notes.

Happy Halloween

Division 12 had a full day decorating pumpkins, making pumpkin observations, counting pumpkin seeds and carving our pumpkin!  It was a fun day!  Have a safe and fun night everyone!

Pumpkins, pumpkins, pumpkins

Division 12 visited Westham Island Pumpkin Patch today.  It was very muddy but we were excited to choose our pumpkins in the patch.  We also met many animals and learned about some of the vegetables that grow at the farm.  Thank you to all the moms and dads that helped us on this very very muddy day!  We had a great day despite the mud!





Dem Bones

Dem bones, dem bones, dem dancing bones.  Doing the skeleton dance!


School Wide Mural Painting

Division 12 had the opportunity to add to our large school mural and do a little bit of stencilling with Brent.  It was very exciting and we can’t wait to see the mural up in our main hallway!

Have You Filled A Bucket Today?

Division 12 children are bucket-fillers. Have you filled a bucket today?

Identity Representations using Loose Materials

Division 12 had the opportunity to work with Ms. Wong, the VSB District Literacy and Assessment teacher on a Self-Representational Identity project. Ms. Wong talked to us about who we are, and encouraged us to think about what we want to be.  She read us the book “I Can Be Anything” by Jerry Spinelli.

Then we used loose materials to represent ourselves.  We used materials that reveal how we see ourselves and perhaps reveal a little about who we might want to become.  These images are interesting glimpses into the identities and self-reflections of the children in Division 12!





Pajama Day

It was just another fun day at school… in our pajamas!!