Monthly Archives: September 2016

Alphabet Jive

Division 12 has been learning our letter and sounds.  We sing the Alphabet Jive and even made our own with our names.  Please watch the videos with us and help us learn our sounds!

Fall Observational Leaf Drawings

Division 12 is learning about observation.  That is a fancy way of saying that we are learning to really look at things and see all the details that are around us.  Our first observation is on fall leaves.  We looked at the shape of the leaves, the colours that are part of the fall season, and also the size of the different kinds of leaves found around our school.

Have a look. Look closer.  Take your time.





What is a Community?

“It’s a class that has so many kids, and they’re all friends.” 

“Everybody has to play nicely and don’t punch people.”

“If you push people, they won’t really like it.” 

This communal line drawing was created by all the children in Division 12.  As we begin to ponder on the idea of “community” and what it means to be part of one, we realized that the idea of “togetherness” is very important.  This drawing embeds our names as a sign of our individual uniqueness coming together to form a whole.  This year, Division 12 will continue to learn and grow together as a community.

The Kissing Hand

Division 12 read “The Kissing Hand” by Audrey Penn today:

Division 12’s “Kissing Hand”