LA and Math Rubrics

The main role of assessment is to communicate progress and help further learning by identifying areas of strength and challenges, and designing ongoing goals to meet students where they are at.  In such a process, patterns of student interest, strengths and growth areas should emerge over time. These rubrics are simply meant to create a backdrop and act as a guide for you as you form a picture of your child’s learning profile as it emerges over time through the regular Freshgrade updates.

As students develop these curricular and core competencies we want to affirm a growth mindset towards learning.  We want our students, beginning in kindergarten, to see their potential as life-long learners and discover the joy of learning for learning’s sake!

Kindergarten Language Arts Rubric

Adapted from the BC Redesigned Curricular Competencies:

Kindergarten Mathematics Rubric

Adapted from the BC Redesigned Curricular Competencies:
The expectations outlined below will be consolidated by students throughout the year
and reflect grade level expectations for students in June.