The Vancouver School Board over the Years: Different Locations; Different Buildings

Two widely separated City Blocks figure prominently in the history of the Vancouver School Board. Each block witnessed changes in the site of the Vancouver School Board.
BLOCK 37 (1893- 1951)
1893 Construction of Vancouver High School nears completion. At centre is the one-floor, two-room wooden building that at different times held elementary classes, high school classes, and Vancouver School Board offices. At far right is Central School, Vancouver’s first brick school building.
During 1893 – 1910, the main offices of the Vancouver School Board were housed in Vancouver High School.
For further information on this time period, follow this link to a chapter on the history of the Vancouver School District:
Chapter Two: 1891 – 1910
During 1910 – 1951, the Vancouver School Board occupied a 3-story rectangular building at Hamilton and Dunsmuir
The photo at top was taken in 1921. It provides a good view of Block 37. The Vancouver School Board occupied the rectangular building visible at center left, behind a row of trees. To its left is the old Vancouver High School building, then home to the Vancouver School of Art.
The photo at centre was taken on November 11, 1932, 14 years after the end of World War One. It provides a view of the front entrance of the Vancouver School Board building. The group gathered there were VSB employees who were veterans of World War One.
The photo at bottom was taken in 1925.It shows a display of clothing made by sewing class students.
For further information, follow these links to chapters on the history of the Vancouver School District:
Chapter Three: 1911 – 1930
Chapter Four: 1931 – 1950
1951 – present: the City Block bounded by West Broadway, Granville Street, West 10th (south), and Fir.
During 1951 – 1998, the Vancouver School Board occupied a building at 1595 West 10th (West Broadway and Fir)
Since 1998, the Vancouver School Board has been located in a building at 1580 West 10th Avenue (West Broadway and Fir)
Official Opening: October 08, 1998