Marketing 11

February 11, 2020

Report Format Example

January 10, 2020

You need to write a report based on your experience in today’s bartering session. Please read the assignment carefully to make sure it includes all aspects required.

Here is an example of a previous assignment for you to look at. It has *great* content but could improve on formatting/spacing.

The barter report is due on Wednesday, January 22, beginning of class. Please print and hand in.There will be no additional class time allocated to complete this assignment.

January 6, 2020

Welcome back!!

Here are your instructions for today and next class:

1 – Write a draft of your note of gratitute to your chosen teacher. Please have it ready for me to check quickly at the beginning of next class

2 – Read the handout and finish answering the questions on the handout. Due at the end of class.

3 – Think about what you want to bring for our barter session on Friday, January 10. You will need to bring 3 items for Friday to barter. They must be items that you are willing to give up because this is fo realz! You don’t get it back. You will have a better experience if you bring items that a) people will want; and b) is not expired (if food). Also please note that we do not participate in human trafficking / slavery and you can barter services like tutoring assistance in a particular subject but you cannot do someone else’s homework or otherwise do school work for someone who will benefit in some way such as obtain marks for the work that you do.

December 11, 2019

Pizza party
Please fill out this survey in preparation for Friday’s Pizza Party. Thank you!

Retail Operations Price Comparison
***** All presentations must be shared with before midnight on Monday December 16 *****

Order of presentations will be determined on December 17.

November 21, 2019

Here is PDF of the elevator pitch

On Wednesday, November 27, you will hand in your printed report and all groups will pitch their product to the class. Here are the rules of the pitch:

1 – You will have 2 minutes to complete your pitch. You should fill all 2 minutes but you can’t go over. I will stop you at 2 minutes. This requires PRACTICING your pitch. Now that you have an extra day you can do that!

2 – Each group will be given $100,000 to decide where they want to invest their money. This runs counter to reality (where you *should* invest your own money in your business) but for the sake of this exercise in school, you CANNOT invest in your own product. That’s why you have to try to give a CONVINCING pitch to entice your classmates to invest at least some if not all of their money into the development of your product!

3 – The product with the most investments will win a small prize 🙂

November 15, 2019

Click here for a copy of the powerpoint presentation on the 5 Utilities
Click here for a copy of the New Product Concept Development assignment sheet
Click here for a copy of the format that I would like you to use when writing your report.

October 30, 2019

Please type up a personal reflection on the Product Launch assignment, thinking about how you think the project went for you, triumphs and challenges, and what you would do differently in terms of the following:

Marketing research (developing a survey, getting the survey completed, gathering and reviewing the data, gathering feedback through focus groups)

Project organization and teamwork (communication, shared responsibilities and workload, timelines)

Presentation (powerpoint – content and “look”, oral presentation)

Overall comments about the project – what you enjoyed, what you did not enjoy, feedback on ways to improve the assignment

October 10, 2019

Here is the presentation on the Product Launch assignment
Here is an example of a Product Launch presentation
Here is the assignment sheet. Please make sure you read it carefully and complete all the requirements.

Sept 26, 2019

Here is a copy of the presentation on Healthy Food Sales in BC Schools
Here is a copy of your assignment
This is a link to the Guidelines for Food and Beverage Sales in BC Schools
This is a link to the Brand Name Food List where you can search for existing products which have already been determined as – Sell Most, Sell Sometimes or Do Not Sell

Sept 24, 2019

Here is a copy of the presentation on the Marketing Mix / 4 Ps
Here is your assignment on the 4 Ps
Here is an exemplar for you to look at. It’s nicely formatted and fits all the criteria of the assignment really well!

You have this block to work on it. Due at the beginning of next block. You can use flex time tomorrow to complete it if you don’t finish it by the end of this class.

Sept 10, 2019

Here is a copy of the introduction to marketing presentation.
Click here for an electronic version of the assignment. The following is how I will mark you out of 12 (1 mark for each item you have included):




Due Date – Wednesday, September 18. Please print and hand in at beginning of the class.

Sept 6, 2019

Here is a copy of the presentation on Maslow which also contains your assignment on the last slide.

Here are two examples of how you might complete your presentation.
Example 1
Example 2

Here is the Word file that you will use to complete your assignment, with Maslow’s pyramid already on it.

**Instructions for handing in your assignment**
1. Name your file in the following convention:  MASLOW_LASTNAME_FIRSTNAME
2. Click on the “Share” button on the upper right hand corner (see pic below)3. Share it with “”. No need to send link or anything – just share it.

Assignment due at the beginning of next class.

Sept 4, 2019

Remind App Sign Up Instructions (Need to download the app if your service provider is Rogers)

Get Office 365/Instructions to download to your home computer(s) here. Every student gets to download for free on up to *5* devices

First Assignment!

Write a memo to me using an MS-Word template introducing yourself and answering the following questions. Memos are a form of business communication and should be written using full sentences.

1. Tell me about yourself (whatever you think you would like me to know) but make sure to include your academic and extracurricular interests

2. Have you ever had paid employment, either currently or in the past? If yes, where did/do you work and what did/do you do?

3. Are you interested in pursuing business in post-secondary? If yes, what and where?

4. What if anything interests you about marketing and/or business:
a) as a consumer
b) as a potential career path

5. Why did you take Marketing? What do you hope to learn from this course?

Please print your memo and hand in at the end of class.