Take Me Outside to the Maple Grove Garden!


last week our class helped out with the school garden. We helped by building a new compost, picking lettuce, and then cleaning it, cutting down old rasbery cane and planting garlic. I helped out with almost every thing accept building the compost but I helped take out the old one. Ms. G’s parents came and helped out with building the compost and planting galic. Gardening was a lot more fun then I thought it would be. I thougt it would be hard making new beds for the garlic and picking lettuce but it was fun. I really enjoyed gardening and I hope we can do it agin! by RL






And in between…

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Our virtue this month is THANKFULNESS.

To open our Thankfulness assembly, we had Mr. Henry Charles of the Musqueam First Nation to give us a traditional welcome. He told us a story about how the Musqueam got their name. I encourage you to ask your child about the story. It was a challenge for many of us as he told the story in the Musqueam language. I thought that the language sounded very poetic.

In our classroom, not only do we use our manners and say thank you to each other but we have also been practicing gratitude and saying thank you every week for both the little and big things in life. Many of the students are thankful and appreciate their families, friends and classmates.

Thank you for creating such thoughtful and insightful children.

The Cup Song

This term in music, we are exploring beat and rhythm starting with the “cup song”.

A few grade sevens from Mr. Poole’s class came in and gave us a lesson.

Thank you Ladies!

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Here are some links to youtube videos that will help us practice.

When I’m Gone (both song and cups at speed)

How to Play Tutorial

Cups only

Lyrics only

Paddles Up!

Our first “going out” experience was to the Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Gardens and Dragon Boating!


After a long bus ride* and a short walk, we arrived at the Gardens.

*We learned that the smell of orange can help if you are feeling motion sick!IMG_3154 IMG_3156

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Did you know that up to 200 people could live in one home like the one at the gardens?IMG_3169

Here is NM with his three wives, his honorable father and his mother.IMG_3170 IMG_3171 IMG_3174

What type of tree is this? Pink seed pods and white flowers…IMG_3175

Under our feet lay tiny plants that give off a refreshing mint scent when walked upon. IMG_3182  IMG_3185

Time to feed the koi! They call the koi with the vibrations of the gong!


Our last activity before leaving was to create dragon charms to carry with us on the water. We choose beads of wisdom, peace, luck and virtue.IMG_3190


Before we can get in the boats, we get a quick paddle and safety lesson.

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The boys enjoyed being able to stand at the front of the train and watch our journey home along the tracks.