
Honouring Ms. Ostrom

Hour of Code
Code.org Check it out.
Mini School Important Dates
Please click on the APPLICATION tab at the top for important dates and application forms.

We are currently rebuilding our website to add more content and add more structure to the program to help you understand all the pieces to […]

Suicide http://youtu.be/QwmXQA5D37g

Our New Portal
Check out our new Digital Immersion Portal

Generation Green Award
Our DI students with Mayor Robertson at the False Creek Energy Centre. The DI students are the recipients of an $8000 grants to build a […]

DI Students meet George Abbott (Minister of Education)
It was an honour to meet our new Minister of Education, George Abbott, and present our Digital Immersion program to members of the Ministry and […]

Digital Immersion Program featured on BC Youtube Channel
I am very honoured and humbled to be featured on the Province of BC Youtube channel administered by the Government of BC. During this lesson, […]