DP 11/12 – September 28th, 2010

Good Morning,

I would like to thank Mr. Monga, Mr. Chow, and Mr. Bondi for coming in to supervise you while I am away on field studies.

Everything you need to know for today’s lesson will be on my blog. While we are at it, I will remind you that whenever I am away or sick, the instructions will be on my blog. That said, the class should be able to run with or without me. However, cameras will not be issued when I am not at school because I am uncomfortable asking others (sometimes unfamiliar TOCs) to handle and manage expensive equipment. In addition, students will not be permitted to leave the class to take pictures unless we have prior arrangements – for safety and supervision reasons.

Last day, we talked about:

Nikon D60

White Balance



Shutter Speed


Aperture Priority

Shutter Priority

In addition, we talked about how to change the various settings. Today, you will explore these topics further and build upon your knowledge and understanding. Click on the links above to skim through the readings to expand your knowledge. Attached is a worksheet to help you sift identify the most pertinent and applicable information for this course. *Review the PDF before you begin reading through the links.


1. Download PDF

2. Complete the PDF with a partner (just one) or do it on your own. This is not a test, but the info is important to learn so everyone needs to be actively doing to work. One mark per question except for question #27.

3. Hand in to the S:/ Drive > Handin > Su > (The folder that corresponds to your period) > rename PDF with your name(s).

Tube for Understanding:

White Balance


ISO on D60
