Category Archives: Stories

Listening to Students’ Stories can Improve Math Class

Mind/Shift – How Listening to Students’ Stories can Improve Math Class (September 2023)

This is such a fresh approach to Math: humanizing it. As educators, we know that our students bring their own experiences, perceptions and hopes for themselves in many ways. I can’t say I ever really asked or considered a student’s hope for themselves in Math in a meaningful way. I see now that, giving students regular opportunities to reflect on their Math experiences and sharing them with us, allows us to be more aware and meaningful in what we teach, how we teach and support students to realize their hopes & goals for themselves; in Math and hopefully more.

Book Displays

Hi all,

So it’s been a while… I’m hoping to do more regular updating of the blog over the next few months… HOPE being the key word.

I enjoy reading and I find books are one of the easiest entry points in getting students to engage in literacies. Even still, a teacher may need to throw in some razzle dazzle for our more reluctant students.

Am I dating myself by saying razzle dazzle? Rhetorical question. Haha.

Here are some ideas around displays that could help build some excitement for reading / books. Even the least Pinterest-y of us could pull off a couple of these. If you do give it a try, I’d love to hear from you about your experience.

Tournament of Books (The Primary Punchbowl)

Airport (Library Displays)

First Line (Book Bub)