Poetry Month Day 11

I have a book called Book Speak: poems about books by Laura Purdie Salas, illustrated by Josée Biasaillon. I met the author once upon a time and got the book signed!
Here are a few of my favourites:

If a Tree Falls

If a tree falls in the forest
with no ear to hear its fall,
does it make a crackling thunder
or descend in silent sprawl?

If a book remains unopened
and no reader turns its page,
does it still embrace a story
or trap words inside a cage?


Top Secret

Describe you desires and they become mine.
I‘m a treasure box where feelings can shine.
All thinkers need pages where dreams can take flight.
Reveal all.
Your secrets, one entry per night.



I swallow up dragons and 
cannons and 

I don’t fear old mansions
with slow, creaking

I quite like the dark– 
murky midnight’s no

The one thing I fear
is the feeling of–


When puddles attack me or
raindrops are

they leave me quite soggy–
they turn me all 

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