Lots has been happening in our classrooms, in our school and in our wonderfully vibrant community. Our monthly assemblies capture images of learning and celebrating throughout each of the months. If parents ever have the opportunity, please join us for one of our beginning of month, full school gatherings. Halloween saw lots of ghoulies, princesses, superheroes and such travelling the halls – the children were wonderful throughout the day. Our Remembrance Day gathering was a powerful selection of song, speeches and presentations. Thank you to Mr. O’Neill and his choirs, to Madamoiselle Caroline and her students and to our students hosts in Ms. Walker’s class. Please take time to check out the classroom blogs on our school website. Ms. Quons and Ms Russo’s blogs capture snapshots of the students’ learning. Especially powerful are the students words, literacy connections, and artwork expressing what peace means to them. If you don’t have a chance to join our assemblies or stroll the school’s halls and see the beautiful displays of learning on the bulletin boards, simply check out the the classroom blogs!
Our PAC is launching our second annual Scholastic Book Fair. We hope that families take time to visit the Primary building basement to look t selection. Funds raised go to support adding to our school library. One of our objectives this year is to build our classroom collections and to find many opportunities to celebrate our communities of readers. It is our objective to have a community of children who not only can read but do read.
Finally, thank you to families who have contributed to our performance fund. This fund, supported by parents and by donors allows our students to go on field trips, work with artists in residence, scientists in residence, and to see performances in our school. Watch our newsletter for upcoming events and join us or if you have time to carve out of your day, accompany your child’s class on a field trip!