Home Reading 20 mins
Vocabulary- Wednesday
Math- SWYK- Wednesday
Grammar L9- Wednesday
Bring ‘stuff’ for math project
Field trip forms due ASAP
Math test on Thursday
Holiday Hampers due December 13
Home Reading 20 mins
Vocabulary- Wednesday
Math- SWYK- Wednesday
Grammar L9- Wednesday
Bring ‘stuff’ for math project
Field trip forms due ASAP
Math test on Thursday
Holiday Hampers due December 13
Home Reading- 20 mins
Vocabulary quiz signed- Tuesday
Math final sketch of cider mill- Tuesday
Science- Good copy- Tuesday
Science- Questions- Tuesday Here is the link to the video that we watched in class: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzuEQ6QpMxY
Field trip permission and $- ASAP
Math test- Thursday
Holiday hampers- sign-up is outside the classroom door