Category Archives: Culturally Responsive Teaching

I’m on a roll with posting today. Here’s the new(-ish) VSB podcast, “After the Bell.” I’ve listened to several episodes from season 1. I’m a podcast person and I enjoy hearing from other colleagues in the district (who I normally wouldn’t have a chance to chat with). It’s an easy listen and there are a variety of topics discussed.  Episodes 8 & 12 are recommended if you’re curious about district programs.

Click on “After the Bell” to listen.

Emotions Come and Go in Waves

EdSurge – Emotions Come and Go in Waves. We Can Teach our Students How to Surf Them (October 2022).

Social-emotional learning continues to be an important part of modern teaching. With so much going on for our students and ourselves, having the skills to navigate difficult situations is essential. SEL skills have to be explicit taught and practiced. It should be a part of each instructional day at different times. This normalizes it and that’s the hope – that our students do this as a means of taking care of themselves and others.

Culturally Responsive Pedagogy / Teaching

Some links for those of you interested in understanding and exploring culturally responsive pedagogy / teaching. (Australia)