Poetry Month Day 7

Picture book stories in rhyme!

There are SO many picture books in rhyme. It’s even a subject heading we use to label books in the library catalog.

You can find all sorts of stories told in rhyme:

Fun and inspirational stories:Click for more information on this title

“Ada was busy that first day of spring,
testing the sounds that make mockingbirds sing,
when a horrible stench whacked her right in the nose–
a pungent aroma that curled up her toes
“Zowie” said Ada, which got her to thinking:
“What is the source of that horrible sticking?”
“How does a noes know there’s something to smell?”
“And does it still stink if there’s no noes to tell?”

Click for more information on this title True stories


(oh dear! I couldn’t find an excerpt!)



New words to songs you may already know Click for more information on this title


“A dab of blue here,
a splash of red there,
a goopy smear of green . . . everywhere!”



Click for more information on this title Classics

“In an old house in Paris
that was covered with vines
lived twelve little girls in two straight lines.

In two straight lines they broke their bread
and brushed their teeth
and went to bed”




And, of course, books en français Click for more information on this title

“Il grossira et vous, vous maigrirez
n’invite JAMAIS un dinosaure à souper.”






Stories in rhyme make great read-alouds. Do you have a favourite story written in rhyme? I hope this inspires you to pull out an old familiar book and sit with it again.