Sandra Boynton

Last week during class I played an animated and musical version of Sandra Boynton’s book ‘Perfect Piggies”.

This is from Sandra Boynton’s youtube channel on which she also has a few other great musical versions of her books! Check them out!

In class today we learned about some of the customs and stories associated with Chinese New Year. Then we got creative and made some dragons!

Lumina and Hazel’s dragon
Joseph’s dragon
Nolin’s dragon
Nolin’s dragon
Stella and her colourful Dragon head
Amelia’s dragon
Keira’s dragon

I am special

Today’s class was called

I Am Special

If you want to hear the story ‘When Charlie met Emma’ again, click HERE and you will be taken to a video recording of me reading the story. Or go to the BOOKS section of our blog and scroll through until you find it.

For the activity today I asked you to measure your height with a piece of string (or ribbon), stick the string onto a piece of card and tie it in a big bow. Then write your name and age on the piece of card along with this poem: