Children’s Day in Japan 🎌🎎


  • May 5 is Children’s Day in Japan, when families celebrate the healthy growth and happiness of children.
  • On Children’s Day, families fly huge carp-shaped streamers (koinobori) outside the house and display dolls of famous warriors and other heroes inside. The carp was chosen because it symbolizes strength and success; according to a legend, a carp swam upstream to become a dragon.
  • Also on this day, families often take baths sprinkled with iris leaves and roots. This is because the iris is thought to promote good health and ward off evil.
  • Rice cakes wrapped in oak leaves and filled with sweet adzuki bean paste, called kashiwamochi, are also eaten.



Koi – Japanese for Carp

Nobori – Japanese for flag

And this is Joseph’s Koinobori:

Beautiful Joseph!

🎏 Japan 🎎

Hi All!

If you click on any of the underlined sentences below, you will be taken to the relevant video that we watched in class this week (March 2023)

All about Japan

Count from 1 to 10 in Japanese

Japanese greetings

Snow monkeys

And this is the craft we did in class:

Hand print Cherry Tree Blossom

And here is some of your art work:

Nolin’s fantastic tree with a bonus snowman!

Elan’s Cherry Blossom tree with some beautiful stickers added