Favourite books

Favourite books

I don’t know about you, but I just can’t get enough of books! I’m an avid reader myself, but one of my favourite things to do is read aloud to children! Both Bridie and I have many favourites we like to read to children staying at Canuck Place and we’d like to share some of them with you. So here is our first ‘favourite book’, this one from Bridie.

Distributed Learning schools in BC

The schools I have listed below are some of the most popular Distributed Learning schools in BC that have both regular and special needs programs.

I have contacted each of these schools since August 1, 2020 and they all indicate that many of their programs are full and have substantial waiting lists.

Some however, do have a few spaces and some are still accepting children on to their wait-lists.

Two schools, EBUS and Kleos Open Learning School have both indicated that they are trying to hire new staff and expand their numbers.

You can find detailed information about distributed learning and homeschooling in my post School options for all families in BC

Click on the name of a school below to go to their website

Self Design Learning Community K-12

Independent School, Secular, Online, K-12 personalized learning, Special Education Program

“Since 1983 the SelfDesign® Learning Foundation has grown to become a global leader in the development of programs and initiatives that foster personalized and lifelong learning.

Our model and philosophy set us apart, drive every initiative and fuel our passion as leaders in education. We believe that learning is unlimited, ageless and continuous.

Currently, SelfDesign Learning Foundation operates two main programs: our kindergarten to Grade 12 school, SelfDesign Learning Community, and our homeschool program, HomeLearners’ Network.”

EBUS Academy

Public School, Online Only and Special Education Program, A few field trips organized for the lower mainland learners each year.

EBUS Academy is a BC Public School that provides the best online learning programs and courses to BC students. Founded in 1993, EBUS is an established leader in distance learning and currently enrols 1000+ students ranging from Kindergarten to Adult. Our programs and courses provide the flexibility to allow learners to develop all of their intelligences. We also offer a gifted program and special education program.

Abbotsford Virtual School

Public school, distributed learning with in-person opportunities.

We provide choice learning opportunities!

At AVS, we are not a ‘one size fits all’ program. Rather, our courses and unique offerings are tailored to match each individual’s learning style and needs. We are committed to ensuring each of our students develop their own personal excellence in pursuit of lifelong learning.

We provide the materials, resources, planning, reports and personal support required, so you can learn from home! With additional access to Abbotsford School District programs, sign-up events, clubs, on-site classes and more, we ensure each student gets the best program opportunities possible

Oak and Orca school and DL

Independent School, Distance Program and Centre in Victoria and Special Education Program

:Oak and Orca programs inspire learners of all ages to meet their potential. Through wholistic learning experiences, learning is a joy whether at home or on site. Inquiry is key; kids do it naturally! Supporting adults just need to follow their lead, gently guide them, and lend them a hand along the way. Oak and Orca will help your child learn in this natural way, offering teachers and resources to support inquiry learning and to inspire the same learning processes that were in play when your child was learning to speak or to walk.

Empowering children to build more fulfilling and ecologically sustainable communities.”

Kleos Open Learning School

Independent School, Secular, Online, Special Education Program 

“Kleos Open Learning fosters communication and trusted relationship to build a student’s self-worth and self-esteem so that they and their family have clarity for a positive future.”

Traditional Learning Academy 

Independent School, Christian, Online, Special Education Program and Learning Centre in Surrey, Abbotsford, Chilliwack

“As an independent Distributed Learning school, TLA offers the flexibility and freedom for parents and students to shape their education, while earning a BC Certificate of Graduation. We offer a mix of distance learning courses and a blended option that integrates on-campus classes.

When education starts at home, it strengthens bonds and leads to lifelong learning.”

Regent Online Christian Academy

Independent School, Christian, Special Education Program, Online and Community Class Centres in Abbotsford, Langley, Ridge-Meadows, Chilliwack, and Burnaby

 Heritage Christian Online School

Independent School, Christian, Special Education Program,  Online, Community Classrooms throughout the province including the lower mainland and Fraser Valley

“Quality Educational Choices with Christian Values.”

Ascend Online Catholic Education at Home

Independent School. Catholic, Special Education Program, Online with Learning Consultants in the Lower Mainland

“The Ascend Vision
We put faith and family first. We acknowledge and support the
sacramentality of marriage and family life, and the role of
parents as the primary educators of their children.
The Ascend Mission
Our mission at ASCEND is to support and affirm families who
choose to learn together at home by extending flexibility and
choice, while at the same time correlating student learning to
provincial Learning Standards.”

School options for all families in BC

New information:

Q: What happens if my child currently attends a regular school and receives nursing support in school, through NSS, but I want to switch them to a Distributed Learning school? Will they still receive  that nursing support?

A: If your child currently receives nursing support at school AND at home, then the nursing support hours from school will be made available to use at home during regular school hours. If your child only receives nursing support in school, and not at home, then the school nursing hours cannot be transferred.

Virtual mental wellness support for 12 to 24 year olds

Many young people have been, and will be, struggling with mental-wellness during these unprecedented times. Being distanced from their important  connections, including with teachers and peers can be tough.

Foundry is an organisation that offers young people, ages 12-24, health and wellness resources, services and supports – online and through integrated service centers in communities across BC.

Click the image above to go to their website

The BC Ministry of Education recently recommended  Foundry to all teachers in BC as a resource for supporting their students during these difficult times. But in fact, anybody can access these services – including caregivers of 12 to 24 year olds.


Reducing the risk in schools, for people at higher risk of severe illness

Two excerpts from the Federal Public Health Agency’s Guidelines for school administrators:

Reduce risk for people at higher risk of severe illness.

For all ages:

  • encourage children/youth, staff or volunteers who are at high risk for disease to consult their health care professional about staying at home
    • provide alternative ways to provide programming (if possible) that is meaningful so children/youth do not fall behind in their studies and maintain a sense of meaning/belonging
    • accommodations for children/youth with limited access to electronic devices and the internet should be considered
    • consideration should be given to the use of masks and face shields (eye protection) as the evidence is evolving on their benefits to the wearer to reduce their risk of infection
  • encourage those who are at high risk for severe illness to avoid contact with the school (for example, parents / guardians, grandparents,
  • or volunteers who are older adults, or those with underlying medical conditions)
    • those who are at high risk of severe illness residing with a child / youth attending school should discuss their risk with their health care professional


Students with disabilities

There is a need to maintain equitable access to education during the COVID-19 pandemic for students with disabilities. The impact of loss of instructional time and related services, including mental health services as well as occupational, physical, and speech/language therapy during the period of school closures is significant for children/youth with disabilities. Children/youth with disabilities may also have more difficulty with the social and emotional aspects of transitioning out of and back into the school setting and may have more difficulties applying some mitigation strategies. Adjusting to new routines can be particularly challenging for children with developmental disabilities. As schools prepare for reopening, school administrators should develop a plan to ensure a review of children/youth who access services to consider how programming can be adjusted to accommodate the lost time of instruction and other related services, while supporting children to adjust to new routines and measures in the COVID-19 context. Administrators should also take steps to ensure that accommodations are made so that children with disabilities have access to the same public health information and mitigation measures (for example, accessible hand washing stations, accessible signage, age and disability appropriate language, assistance with personal preventive measures). School administrators should also develop a plan to ensure that children/youth who are hearing impaired (and others who may rely on facial cues) have their educational needs met if NMMs are worn in their classrooms; this may include the use of transparent masks. In addition, schools can expect a backlog in new child / youth evaluations; therefore, plans to prioritize those for new referrals will be importantFootnote21.