Such fabulous art work being created. Well done all of you!
Harman and Bridie making ‘Earth cookies’ to celebrate Earth Day at Glen Brae House!
This week we have been looking at wildlife here in North America.
We learned about Mason Bees,
and Beavers
Beaver’s build such strong dams and lodges that even a Grizzly Bear can’t break in to a Beaver Lodge!!
So we had a go at building a Beaver Dam!
The best dam was built by Keegan and Shirley. Great job guys!
And then that afternoon Armaan went to the zoo and visited with a Cougar!
We also had a Dr. Seuss Scavenger Hunt that day!
Recently Emmett and I read one of my favourite books
In this book the crayons quit and each write a letter to their owner, Duncan, detailing their reasons for quitting. A lot of the crayons are upset that they are only used to colour a limited range of objects and would like to colour other things too.
After reading the book I asked Emmett to do a drawing using unexpected colours. And this is the brilliant result!
Some friendly faces you might recognise!
I would love to share some photos of you,
and those around you, here on this blog, doing what you do at home during this crazy time of there being no schools open!!
Please email me any pictures you would like to share and let me know if you would like a caption or name(s) to go with it. My email address is in the Contact section of this blog
I would love
to share some photos of you,
and those around you, doing what you do at home during this crazy time of there being no schools open!!
Please email me any pictures you would like to share and let me know if you would like a caption or name(s) to go with it. My email address is in the Contact section of this bog
Here are a few pictures from this past year in the schoolroom and of friends and families during COVID-19