Ice cream 🍦

We had so much fun making ice-cream in class today! 🍨

Everybody (except one – and he didn’t have salt) had great success!

Judging by all the eating going on, I think the ice cream tasted good, but, I did see at least one person get brain freeze!

Congratulations everybody!

Elan and the bowl of ice cream she made 🍨💖

Here’s how to make the ice cream and the snowflakes.

Foam fountain🎃

It’s fun to do this experiment with pumpkins at Halloween!

Carve a small pumpkin; make the holes quite small and keep the lid of the pumpkin handy. Use  orange food colouring, do the experiment in the pumpkin and as soon as you add the yeast, put the lid back on.

Sometimes we just carve a hole for the mouth, use green food colouring and call it VOMITTING PUMPKINS! 


Visit for tons of fabulous ‘kid friendly’ science experiments!