Early Career Teachers — Start UP! Series

From Ray Myrtle, President of PITA, the Provincial Intermediate Teachers Association for 8 years.

This workshop will help you start and manage your classroom.  Learn ways to do the important things and what to leave for later.

The workshop is on April 19th from 8:45 to 12:00 in Room 105 at Livingstone Elementary School (315 East 23rd Avenue, Vancouver).  See the flyer below for more details.

Early Career Teacher Workshop Flyer

Start UP! Program for Intermediate Teachers

Oct 12 TOC Sign UP Contest

TOCs who sign up for information at http://bit.ly/early1 are automatically entered in a draw to attend a free PITA conference.

Over 600 teachers attended the PITA Fall conference last year. There are more than 60 workshops including workshops specifically designed for early career teachers.

NOTE: More than 1000 early career teachers have attended and recommend the Start UP! program.


Self-Regulation Resources

Via Charlie Naylor:

Resources gathered by BCTF Information Services (Emily O’Neill and Karen Rojem) on self-regulation that was done for one of the Okanagan Inquiry groups.

Dr. Charles Pascal
Profile of Ontario’s Early Learning Advisor
Early Learning Report Summary
Early Learning Report
Curriculum & Pedagogy for the Early Learning Program
Summary of Evidence – compendium to Early Learning Report

Adele Diamond
Her lab
NPR article and audio clip
More info re: Tools of the Mind

Barry Zimmerman: Biography/overview

Stuart Shanker
This seems to be a fairly up-to-date resume/bibliography
Education Canada, “Self-Regulation: Calm, Alert, and Learning.”
The Science of Early Brain Development” – PowerPoint presentation, December 2009 contains a number of slides dedicated to self-regulation
In Search of the Pathways that Lead to Mentally Healthy Children” [cited in PPT], Journal of Developmental Processes 3(1), 22-33
Foreword to Every Child, Every Opportunity: Curriculum and Pedagogy for the Early Learning Program, Govt. of Ontario
Quoted in, “How a marshmallow can predict your future,” Toronto Star, 2 Nov 2009 [article is about self-regulation in children]
E. Bialystok, S.B. Sherry, S. Shanker & J. Codd, “Executive Function Deficits in Children With Autism,” The Journal of Developmental and Learning Disorders (Note: this is the only article that we were able to find written by Shanker that addresses self-regulation exclusively)

Of possible interest:
Shanker is on the Advisory Board of MEHRI, the Milton & Ethel Harris Research Initiative at York University.