September Newsletter

September 8, 2023 gordon 0

GORDON HAPPENINGS WELCOME TO A NEW SCHOOL YEAR! I sincerely hope that families were able to connect with friends and loved ones over the summer and are refreshed and happy to be back at Gordon.  We have many new faces here at Gordon and we […]

Year End Newsletter

June 29, 2023 gordon 0

GORDON HAPPENINGS Well, we made it! I would like to start by thanking the students, parents, and caregivers here at Gordon for a good year. This is a very special community and one, the staff and I are proud of. A special shout-out goes to […]

June Newsletter

May 26, 2023 gordon 0

GORDON HAPPENINGS I cannot believe that we only have a few weeks left of school. I am sending this out a little early as we have a number of events and activities happening. Our last Spirit Day is Beach Day on June 14. Huge thank […]

May Newsletter

April 28, 2023 gordon 0

GORDON HAPPENINGS We have a very busy month ahead with a number of exciting fieldtrips planned and events happening. Please take the time to update your calendars and read the emails and newsletters that come out. You don’t want to miss out! It is so […]

April Newsletter

March 31, 2023 gordon 0

GORDON HAPPENINGS It has been wonderful to come back to sunny weather, clear skies and longer days. We hope that your family was able to spend some time together and enjoy the break. The last three months will go by fast so do not forget […]

March Newsletter

February 24, 2023 gordon 0

GORDON HAPPENINGS It has been a great month here at Gordon with some amazing learning happening. Thanks to all the families who supported our SOGI Club and bought a pink shirt. We sold over 200 t-shirts and raised $700 thanks to Steve at Abbies for […]

February Newsletter

January 30, 2023 gordon 0

GORDON HAPPENINGS It was wonderful seeing so many parents at our dance performance. The students were very excited to show off their moves! Thanks again to Jess Dance and our instructor, Kyle. The Student and Family Affordability fund has allowed us to off-set costs to families. […]

January Newsletter

January 4, 2023 gordon 0

GORDON HAPPENINGS That was quite an eventful winter break here on the West Coast with all the different weather events. I hope everyone was able to get to where they wanted to go safely and were able to connect with friends and family. We are […]

December Newsletter

December 1, 2022 gordon 0

GORDON HAPPENINGS It is hard to believe that it is already December, but with the blast of snowy weather we had this week, winter let us know that it is here! Please continue to dress your child(ren) for the weather. We will only have an […]

November Newsletter

October 28, 2022 gordon 0

GORDON HAPPENINGS Students and staff have settled into learning and there is a great buzz in the hallways.  Thank you for your participation in our goal setting conferences.  Staff look forward to continuing this collaborative relationship with parents and guardians as part of our continuing Communication […]