November Newsletter


Students and staff have settled into learning and there is a great buzz in the hallways.  Thank you for your participation in our goal setting conferences.  Staff look forward to continuing this collaborative relationship with parents and guardians as part of our continuing Communication of Student Learning (CSL).  You can find more information on our website that explains what CSL is and how the VSB has shifted to strength based reporting and assessment.

I also wanted to take this opportunity to thank the teachers that ran our two Cross Country teams for both primary and intermediate students. Mr. Patrick, Ms. Sinclair and Ms Ubeda helped with both the intermediate and primary teams. Students showed their Gordon spirit by participating with great sportsmanship and athleticism.  If you have a child in grades 6-7, information has been sent home regarding our Volleyball Teams.

We are also very sad to see one of our SSAs Stefan Razuits leave our Gordon family. Stefan has been at Gordon for many years and the staff and students will truly miss his positive attitude and amazing artistic talents. We wish you all the best Stefan at your new school! We will be welcoming Alexandra to Gordon starting on Monday.


We seem to be missing a number of our Gordon uniforms. Not only from Cross Country but also from other sports. If your child has ever been a part of a Gordon sports team, please have a look in those dresser drawers or closets to see if there is one that missed being returned. They can be returned to our school office or Mr. Patrick directly. Thanks so much for helping!


It was great seeing so many parents attend the Body Science presentation with Dr. Brandy Weibe last night. An email went home on Thursday with information regarding the student sessions that will be held at school for the students on Nov. 2 and Nov. 4. These sessions teach students about healthy bodies and healthy sexuality in ways they find non-threatening and entertaining. In their own language, children learn about how their bodies change, and what those changes mean. The content of the presentation is supported by current research as being age appropriate and we believe that it contributes to healthy child development.  Some of the topics Saleema Noon Sexual Health Educators cover in their workshops extend beyond the content of the BC Physical and Health Education curriculum. For this reason, parents may choose to have their children OPT OUT of the Body Science workshops.  If you do not wish your child to attend, we ask that you notify your child’s classroom teacher by Monday, October 31.


We know that many of our students may choose to dress up on Monday, October 31.

Here are a few guidelines:

  1. All COVID protocols will continue so please ensure that it is easy for students to wash their hands. Students must also be wearing masks that they can easily see and breathe through, especially if they have chosen to wear a medical mask as well.
  2. Please ensure student’s costumes are culturally sensitive.  We do not want to inadvertently mimic culture by culturally appropriating racial or ethnic groups.  Teachers will be discussing this important topic in class but this YouTube video is one resource that parents can share with their children. I have also posted a document online that also explains why Culture is not a Costume.
  3. Please no weapons, scary costumes (i.e., with fake blood) or sharing of face paint or other accessories.
  4. Students will be going outside at recess and lunch and will require rain gear.
  5. Please look for an email from your child’s classroom teacher regarding any other Hallowe’en activities or parties which include food. We are required to only have store bought, prepackaged food at school and it needs to be nut free.
  6. If the weather is nice, we will be having a Hallowe’en parade shortly after 9:00 am. Parents are welcome to stand by the fence by the gravel field and watch. Please keep your family pets at home through- the high energy and excitement can create unsafe situations, even with the most docile of animals.


So, our Vancouver weather has changed overnight and the rain is upon us. Our teachers love the outdoors and do a lot of teaching outside in all kinds of weather. Please ensure your child has rain gear when necessary.  Recess and lunch time will also be outdoors unless the weather is very poor and poses a risk is student safety. If families would like some assistance with raincoats, muddy buddies or boots please contact your child’s teacher or Ms. Steele in the office and we can help.


Kindergarten registration for children born in 2018 begins on November 1st.

All kindergarten applicants who were born in Canada are required to submit an application to their English catchment elementary school. This includes families who wish to apply for choice programs (French Immersion, Montessori, etc.) and/or a cross boundary placement.  The priority registration period for Kindergarten opens on November 1st and closes January 31st. Students who submit an application within this priority period will be accommodated before late applicants.

Please note: Students born outside Canada must first register at the Newcomer Welcome Centre (NWC).  Please see the NWC website for more specific information about registration procedures.

Applying for Kindergarten is a 2-Step Process:

Step 1: First, register your child online at The online tool automatically locates the English catchment school based on a family’s primary home address.

Step 2: Once information is submitted online, families need to complete the application process with a visit to their neighbourhood catchment school with their child and the required documents before January 31, 2023.  If your neighbourhood school is Gordon Elementary then please call the school office at 604-713-5403 Ext 2 to make an appointment to verify your supporting documentation.

Supporting Documents Needed:

Please click on this link to a pdf document with a checklist outlining required documentation needed to complete your child’s application process.

If you wish to apply for a Kindergarten Choice program, you must first apply to your English catchment elementary school. As Gordon is considered a full school, we are NOT able to accept any cross-boundary applications at this time.


Our school wide Remembrance Day Ceremony will be on Thursday, November 10. For our new families to Canada, this is a day that we honour those that gave their lives to serve our country. We would like to recognize though, that the topic might be triggering to some of our families. Please reach out if you feel your family needs support. This is a ceremony that the whole school participates in as presenters, audience members and by creating art work for the school. Unfortunately, we are not able to accommodate family members when the whole school is in the gym. If any students are part of Guides, Scouts or Cadets, they are welcome to wear their uniform on this day. The school will be collecting money for the Poppy Fund which will go directly to our neighbourhood Legion. Families can either make a donation through SchoolCash Online or students can bring a loonie or toonie to school. Friday, November 11 is a National Holiday and therefore school is not in session.


If you would like your child to have their photo redone, they can bring the photo card with them on photo day and ask for a free retake.  Any student who missed the original photo date will have their photo taken on Tuesday, November 1.  Please click here for more information. Please note that the last day to order photos is Tuesday, November 8 if you would like the photos delivered directly to the school.


Even though we are only into the second month of school we already have many lost items of clothing and containers including a number of coats and sweaters.  Please come into the school on the main floor (outside the gym) and have a look and claim any items that might belong to your child. It is also a good reminder to label your child’s clothing, so it is easier for us to return any items. Thank you!