We are happy to welcome back our students to Gordon and are ready for a great term of leaning! We have some new staff members with us that I would like to welcome to Gordon. Ms. Pawan Sumra is our new Vice-Principal who we are thrilled to have join us at Gordon. Mr. Eoin Dunne is our new SSW who will be working with some of our Special Needs students and we are able to welcome back Ms. Maria Fiskilis (Wed.-Fri.) as well as Ms. Burgis (Mon.-Tues.) who will be our resource teachers. We are also happy to welcome Ms. Katie Moore-Ostry back from parental leave to our grade 6/7 class.
A huge thank you to all our families that supported our Student Council with PJ Day and donations to Covenant House. Together with the Holiday Bazaar donations, we raised over $1800.
I would also like to express our gratituate on behalf of the families who recieved the Holiday Hampers. It was an amazing outpouring of support and what makes this Gordon Community so special. THANK YOU!
Reminder that Monday, Janaury 22 is a Pro-D day so there is no school for students.
Lastly, incase you missed it, click HERE to view our Gordon Holiday Art Display.
What an amazing success this was! Huge shout out to all the parent (and grandparent) volunteers. You made this event truly special for all our students. Thank you to the grade 7’s that helped wrap as well as all the families that made donations. I am sure there was some very surprised and wonderful gifts unwrapping over the holidays! Coventant House was very grateful for the donations as well!
Body Science Boot Camp for Parents
We are very gratful to our Gordon PAC for bringing back Saleema Noon to talk with our parents and students about this important topic. Parenthood never arrives with a rulebook, and when it comes to explaining the world of sexual health to your child, it can be hard not to end up a bright shade of red. Using humor and straight talk in an open, interactive environment, Saleema Noon Sexual Health Educators will show you how easy it is to convey healthy, positive messages about sexual health to kids.
In this workshop parents will learn:
- Why we need to talk to children about sexual health at a young age
- How to reduce risk of child sexual abuse
- What children should know at each stage of development, with specific examples of how to explain concepts and processes
- How to become their kids’ preferred source of sexual health information
- How to normalize open, honest sexual health conversations in their family
- How to effectively answer even the toughest questions kids ask
- What will be covered in Body Science workshops for students
Please join us next Monday, Janaury 15 at 06:30 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 821 5760 2529
Passcode: 677226
In-Person Student Sessions for Students
A letter will be sent home with students giving more detail on what will be covered in the student sessions being held on February 17 and 19 at school. Sexual Health is part of the BC Curriculum and this is just part of the lessons that teachers will be teaching in class throughout the year.
The Vancouver School District has procedures in place for situations where severe weather like heavy snowfall, extremely high winds or heat waves may affect school operations.
All schools in the Vancouver School District will remain open if possible during severe weather events. If a District-wide closure is necessary, that will be decided by 7:00 a.m. The VSB will post information about school closures on its website at www.vsb.bc.ca and will inform local media stations.
Please check the following stations for school closure information:
• CKNW (980 AM)
• CBC (690 AM, 105.7 FM)
• CJVB (1470 AM)
• CFHG (96.1 FM)
• CKWX (1130 AM)
• BCTV/Global
Please note that no announcement will be made stating that schools are open. Only closures and delayed openings will be announced.
Individual school closures due to unique circumstances (e.g., power outages) will be announced as early as possible on the affected schools’ websites. On occasion, schools may delay the start of the school day. If this happens, specific details will again be posted on the school website.
Student safety is our top priority. Parents/guardians are responsible for their children’s safe travel to and from school. If for any reason a parent/guardian feels that a child cannot travel safely to/from school, then they should make other arrangements.
During extreme weather conditions it is also common for emergency services and other authorities to advise citizens to avoid unnecessary travel. Families should take this advice as well. Students will not be penalized for lack of attendance under such poor weather conditions. Students are reminded to wear appropriate clothing for the conditions. When sidewalks and roads are slippery, students walking to school should take extra care.
Priority registration for next years Kindergarten students ends on Monday, January 31st. Families must register online and submit their documents to the school before this deadline. Any family that registers after this deadline will be waitlisted until we have confirmed our numbers.
February is Black History Month. Each year, the Vancouver School District marks Black History Month through a number of events and school-based activities. This year, teachers and students will be participating in activities that honour and celebrate Canada’s Black History and how all of us can make a conscious effort through our thoughts and actions to make this a community and world where everyone feels accepted and valued. Stay tuned for upcoming events.
Wednesday, February 28 is Pink Shirt Day. Our SOGI Club is planning some activities around this important day that focuses on Anti-Bullying and accepting everyone for who they want to be and showing empathy toward others. We ask that all staff and students wear something pink to show their school spirit.
Make sure you stay up to date on all that is happening with Gordon PAC. Please visit their website- gordonpac.com for all the news! Wednesday, January 10 is the first day for Hot Lunch.