September Newsletter



We truly hope that families had the chance to reconnect with friends and loved ones over the summer and are feeling refreshed and excited to return to Gordon. We are thrilled to welcome many new faces to our community and have enjoyed seeing students and parents and caregivers back at school. Gordon is a place where wonderful learning happens, and we deeply value your involvement and input as community members. By working together this year, we aim to achieve many great things!

I would like to take this time to introduce some new staff members to Gordon:

Ms. Taylor Herdman – Grades 6/7

Ms. Katie Middleton – Grades 2/3

Ms. Sara Johnston – Grades 2/3

Ms. Melissa Killion – Teacher Librarian

Ms. Lisa Cogan – Resource Teacher

and welcome back to Ms. Maria Fiskilis – Resource Teacher

Please join me in welcoming them to our school. We will be having Meet the Teacher Night on Wednesday, September 18 at 4:30 pm with a social put on by our PAC afterwords outside (weather permitting). More information will be communicated by your child’s classroom teacher.

Student packages will be going home next week or early the following week. Please read through them carefully as there are some forms that need to be signed and others that are just for your information. This year the VSB is working towards a digital solution to collecting consent from students and parents/guardians. Instead of all the paper that is printed and distributed at the beginning of the year, the VSB has digitalized these forms (see list below).

Step-by-step instructions will be sent home on how to access and complete these forms.

VSB Internal Use Media Consent

External Use Media Consent

CASL – Canadian Anti-Spam Legislation

Student AUP – Acceptable Use Policy

Walking Fieldtrip Consent

Media Consent for Yearbook



We all feel very fortunate to be in such a respectful and supportive community but it is always a good reminder to remember that the Vancouver School Board is committed to fostering safe schools that promote mutual respect, cooperation, and social responsibility. There is zero tolerance for violence, harassment, or disrespectful behaviour in the school community. We strive to make our schools and sites welcoming places for everyone in our community. You will see new posters in the office that highlight this.

As we begin a new school year, we ask that you pause and remember VSB staff are valued community members. Be considerate, and ask, will my actions or words hurt someone?
It is our shared responsibility to ensure interactions are conducted safely and respectfully. Students learn here, and together we can be models for those that are watching.



I want to extend my deepest appreciation for the dedication you’ve shown in readying your child for this exciting new journey over the past five years. The entire staff and community are thankful for your confidence in allowing us to collaborate with you in your child’s educational process. This transition is significant, and we want to acknowledge our sincere thanks for selecting Gordon as your child’s school.



Thank you for your patience with class placements. Students met their new teachers today and will start in their new classes on Monday. We understand this can be an anxious time and appreciate your support in helping your child transition smoothly.

One of the aspects of Gordon’s Circle of Care is on building resiliency, and change is a great opportunity for developing this life skill. Parents play a crucial role by being calm, empathetic listeners and modeling positivity. The staff at Gordon have carefully considered educational, social, and emotional needs when creating classes that are balanced and with an effort to place st

udents with at least one friend.

Experience has shown us that children are remarkably adaptable and settle into their new learning environment quite quickly. The staff here at Gordon carefully considered parental input and spent many hours building classes with the educational, social, and emotional needs of students at the forefront of their decisions. Classes are created with the entire group in mind and dynamics for the year have been carefully considered.

We appreciate your trust in our decisions and your understanding that moving students once classes are set can have a cascading effect on our goal of developing balanced classes.  Please allow some time for your child to adjust to their new teacher and peers.  If you have any concerns, I encourage you to schedule an appointment to discuss the situation with the classroom teacher. We are committed to ensuring that every student has the best possible experience at Gordon and are looking forward to another exciting year together.



Please take a moment to download our updated School Calendar, which includes dates when school is not in session and Professional Development Days. This can also be found on our school website under the Announcement side bar. Our first Professional Development Day will be on Monday, September 23 (no school for students). Additionally, Monday, September 30 is National Day of Truth and Reconciliation, and school will not be in session.

School Calendar – we will be keeping our online calendar through our website updated. You can subscribe to this calendar, and it will automatically be downloaded to your own calendar. Please follow this link HERE for instructions on how to subscribe.



When your child will be late or away for the day, please call the office at (604) 713-5403 and press 1 to reach the voicemail system to leave a message.   When leaving your message please speak slowly and clearly as we will be writing all the information down.  The details we require are your child’s full name, their teacher’s name and their division and how long they will be absent for. Alternately, you can email us using the email address:

If the school has not received a message from you by 9:15 am then we will begin calling parents or guardians on the child’s emergency contact list.  Please ensure that the phone numbers you have provided us will reach a person who will answer the phone.  If this information changes at any point in the school year, please contact the office.

As this is a voice mail system please call at any hour as soon as you are aware of the absence or lateness as the system takes calls on a 24 hour basis.



More specific information will be sent home to parents regarding safe routes to school as well as drop-off and pick-up traffic reminders.  For now, I would like to strongly encourage you to park 1-2 blocks away from the school and walk in to drop-off or pick-up your child.  This lessens congestion around the school and is a healthy way to start and end the day!  Please obey the no stopping and parking signs and refrain from backing out of lane-ways and doing U-turns in the middle of the street.  We all want to keep our children safe! This is also a reminder that students must walk their bikes and scooters while on school properly and that roller skates or rolly shoes are not permitted.

Students are never to leave the school property without a permitted adult.  Only designated adults that are indicated on your child’s emergency contact form will be allowed to pick up your child.  If you need to pick up your child early or take them out of school, please come into the office to either sign them out or sign them back in. If your child has your permission to go home at lunchtime, we must have a written letter or email on file and they must sign in and out at the office.

If you are late arriving at school, come to the doors by the office (north side) and ask your child to sign in at the office.

All students must be picked up at 2:58 pm. If you are running late, please call the office and let Ms. Heidi know.



We are thrilled to have the Gordon Bike Bus up and running already this year. This is a group of children and families riding to school together. It’s a fun, healthy, and safe way to arrive to school. It is also a great way to meet some of your neighbours and make friends! Check out this cool video made by the City of Vancouver about our very own Bike Bus! As well, the following article by CBC: For some Vancouver students, back to school mean bike to school!

Join the bike bus every Friday!

East Route starts from Kits House at 8:40 AM. Riders are welcome to join from any corner along 8th Ave.

North Route starts from Tatlow Park at 8:40 AM. Riders are welcome to join from any corner along Balaclava Street.

We’re also always looking for more volunteers to get involved. Please email the PAC if you are interested in helping out:


Teachers will continue to pick up students outside at designated spots on the school grounds each morning and dismiss them from there.  It is very important for students to arrive at school on time and to start the day together as a class.



Morning Supervision: 8:40 pm

Warning Bell: 8:55 pm

Welcoming Bell: 9:00 pm

Recess: 10:30 am – 10:50 am

Lunch: 12:10 pm – 12:55 pm

Dismissal Bell: 2:58 pm

Afterschool Supervision: 3:20 pm



If your child has a medical condition requiring medication that must be administered at school, a parent will need to fill out a Request for Administration of Medication at School.  We also have a form for those requiring a Medical Care Plan such as administration of an EPI PEN.  Students are never to self-administer medication at school without supervision and all medication must be stored in the office.  This includes “over the counter” medications as well as prescription medications.  Please contact Ms. Heidi in the office for these forms if your child has a medical condition that requires medication.

Parents are reminded that medication cannot be administrated by school staff until these forms are completed.  Staff are trained by the Community Health Nurse for the administration of medication as well as an EPI PEN in case of an emergency.



The VSB uses School Cash Online as its preferred method of payment for school fees.  This secure system helps parents/guardians and community members pay school-related fees safely, quickly, and easily online.  You will be receiving detailed instructions that outline how to register and create your profile if you have not used this system before.  Please read the documents carefully and let us know if you have any questions.  You can also find information on our school website by clicking here.



Notice: No Dogs Allowed on School Grounds

Dogs are not permitted on school grounds, play fields, or inside the school between 8:00 am and 5:00 pm, or during any organized school events outside these hours, except for service dogs. Please review the VSB’s Dog Code, posted on the bright green signs on the fences, for more detailed information.

Our school is a busy place with many children playing and moving around. Some children are afraid of dogs or allergic to them. Additionally, children may unintentionally put themselves at risk and get hurt by a dog. Unfortunately, dog feces have been found on our playgrounds, posing safety and hygiene concerns for our students during outdoor play and creating unpleasant odors. Allergic reactions, hygiene issues from pet feces, and the potential for unpredictable aggression are reasons for the School District’s decision to prohibit dogs on school property during the school day.

Thank you for your cooperation in keeping our school grounds and play fields safe for all students.


The VSB is offering parents access to two voluntary student accident plans which offer coverage for students and their families against accidental injury, unexpected medical/dental expenses, and critical illness. The two companies that are offering this product are the IA Family Accident Reimbursement Plan (FARP) and Study Insured. Please contact the companies directly if you have any questions.

Families can register online to purchase and participate in either of these plans by using the URL’s provided below: