Math 8 Course Outline 2013-2014


Teacher:  Ms. S. Leong


Topics to Be Studied

The following units of study are the ones which will appear on the midyear exam.  No calculator will be allowed for these calculations.

Fractions: review of grade 7 concepts, × and ÷ fractions, order of operations, word problems

Percent, Ratio, Rate: relating fractions, decimals, and percents, calculating percents, solving percent problems, GST, PST, discount, ratios, equivalent ratios, solving ratio problems

Integers: using models to × and ÷ integers, × and ÷ integers, order of operations with integers


The remaining units of study are the ones which will be taught after the midyear exam.


Geometry: sketching, drawing & building views of 3D objects, transformations, tessellations

Measuring Prisms and Cylinders: review of area, nets, surface area & volume of prisms and cylinders

Linear equations and graphing: solving equations using models, solving equations using algebra, distributive property, creating a table of values, graphing linear relations

Square Roots and the Pythagorean Theorem: square numbers and area models, squares and square roots, measuring line segments, estimating square roots, Pythagoras’ theorem, applications

Data Analysis and Probability: choosing and appropriate graph, misrepresenting data, probability



  • Math Makes Sense 8 textbook
  • Math Makes Sense 8 Preparation and Practice Book (If student chooses to write in the workbook, the book deposit will not be returned.  If the book is returned in “mint” condition, the deposit will be returned at the end of the school year.)



  • Absence(s) due to illness or legitimate reasons must be accompanied with a note signed by a parent/guardian/doctor.
  • On returning to school after an absence, the student is responsible for finding the missed assignment and completing any missed work.
  • If date of absence is known, please inform the teacher as soon as possible to discuss assignments and deadlines.
  • Missed tests or assignments due to unauthorized absence(s) (e.g. including family holidays) will receive a mark of zero.  There is no assurance that extra work for credit will be provided.
  • An administrative slip is needed when a student is late to class due to an excusable reason.  Inexcusable tardiness/absences will result in mark deductions.

Course Expectations

  • Completion of all assignments
  • Class participation
  • Reading the text and reviewing notes on a daily basis
  • Seeking help from a friend/teacher



  • Assignments must be completed on time.
  • Late assignments will be accepted until the following day’s 8:25am (unless another time has been arranged with the teacher).



  • Quiz dates will be announced in class so students are aware and have the time to prep accordingly.
  • The purpose of the quiz is to encourage students to study notes, complete homework assignments, and to discuss problems before the next class.


Equipment & Supplies



  • Blue & red pens, pencils
    • Erasers
    • Geometry set
      • Scientific calculator
      • Line & graphing paper
      • Textbook
    • 3-ring binder with line paper (no coil notebooks)
      • Agenda



Course Evaluation





  • Tests & Quizzes  80%
  • Other                  20%








  • Term #1                               30%
  • Term #2                               30%
  • Term #3                                  30%
  • Midyear Exam (Jan-Feb)       10%



Class Rules


  1. Cell phones and any distracting devices are NOT to be used in class.
  2. No visits to the vending machine during class time.
  3. “A washroom break” is a privilege given by the teacher.  If a student abuses this privilege, it will be removed.  Students will use the washroom during break time and lunch, not during class time.
  4. It is the student’s responsibility to keep the classroom a clean learning environment.  Food and drinks should be consumed outside of the classroom.  Water is acceptable in the classroom.
  5. “Classroom etiquette” is expected from all students.